Friday, June 5, 2009


+ CB19 has begun.

+ 5:41pm UPDATE > I just repaired the link for the review of ENCHANTED APRIL below.

+ I am eager to add suggested links or your thoughts to this or a future Coffee Break. You can comment below or send an e-mail to

+ I'm glad the POTUS is not letting go of the need to work at creating a Palestinian State.

+ I now follow 179 and have 128 followers at Twitter and 92 friends at Facebook. It is interesting that my Twitter contacts & Facebook contacts have very little overlap.

+ Now on DVD, ENCHANTED APRIL is a wonderful movie about the healing of several British people and the building of relationships in an Italian coastal castle soon after WW1. Naturally, this film is recommended by Spirituality & Practice, the very best website. Read the review: Spirituality & Practice: Film Review: Enchanted April, directed by Mike Newell

+ Frederic Brussat's "25 Reasons Why Twitter is Spiritual" is illuminating. I wonder which reason you like the best. I'm sure these 25 reasons could also apply to Facebook or other social networking websites. I find that Twitter & Facebook can be rapid ways to get connected to wonderful people and great wisdom and important concerns but addiction is also a real possibility.

+ It sure is nice that Panera Bread has free internet and free refills.

+ Breathe.

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