Tuesday, February 3, 2009


+ The Amazing Journey continues:

+ I am figuring out what this amazing journey is all about just as you are. I need your wisdom. You need mine. We need wisdom from each and every part of the heavenly body which connects us all. It is an amazing connection. We tend to cut off the power from this amazing connection because our egos have convinced most of us that it doesn’t really exist. But it does exist and we can tap into it at this time, at all times, all the time.

+ We are intimately, intricately and infinitely connected by a matrix of unconditional, unlimited and uniting love
which is miraculous, mysterious and marvelous.

+ These Amazing Journey posts build on a previous collection of posts I entitled Messages for the Trek.

+ All AJ posts are always subject to additions, deletions and other editing. All AJ posts welcome your contributions. We are on this amazing journey together.

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