Thursday, June 4, 2009


+ I am eager to add suggested links or your thoughts to this or a future Coffee Break. You can comment below or send an e-mail to

+ offers "GM's Fall Can Become Green Economy's Rise" by Emily Gertz.

+ More links and thoughts may be added to this coffee break so c'mon back later.

+ The Hightower Lowdown offers "Populism is not a style, it's a people's rebellion against corporate power" by Jim Hightower. Excerpt: "The very essence of populism is its unrelenting focus on breaking the iron grip that big corporations have on our country--including on our economy, government, media, and environment. It is unabashedly a class movement. Try to squeeze Lord Limbaugh into that philosophical suit of clothes! He's just another right-wing, corporate-hugging, silk-tie elitist--an apologist for plutocracy, not a populist."

+ I just updated my June 2 post on the Media's coverage of the Sonia Sotomayor nomination with a response by my friend Lowell Avery and another thought of mine. I invite you to go see it and add your own comment.

+ 11:49am + Via C-Span I'm now viewing & hearing President Obama's "New Beginning" speech which he delivered earlier today at Cairo University.

+ 4:20pm + The Witherspoon Society called my attention to an article by Starhawk with some insightful and indeed terrifying thoughts about the murder of Doctor George Tiller. Excerpt: "The murder of Dr. Tiller was an act of terror. Although its immediate victim was a man, it was aimed at women's hearts and minds, designed to shatter our oneness and assert control. And it is part of a larger campaign of terror--if we must throw that word around then let us use it where it truly applies. When the murderer squeezes the trigger, when Bill O'Reilly thunders on Fox News or Randall Terry pontificates, they are sending the same message to women, 'Your bodies, your fertility, your sexuality must remain under our control, or you will die, along with anyone who helps you.'"

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