Saturday, June 6, 2009


+ Sunday, June 7, 8:30pm Update: I've changed my mind. Any coffee break can be extended, revised, updated. But the newest one will get the most attention from me. So, ignore this thought posted here yesterday! Can a CB post actually be extended to another day? I think not so I will now declare CB18 completed.

+ I am eager to add suggested links or your thoughts to this or a future Coffee Break. You can comment below or send an e-mail to

+ I invite you to see the new tweets on gratitude at

+ S&P offers "Learning To Receive" by Frederic and Mary Ann Brussat. Excerpt: "Our reluctance to freely receive affects our relationships with others and limits our openness to God's grace. Getting better at receiving, then, is an important intention of spiritual practice."

+ S&P on Link TV's Global Spirit: "This is an unusual and fascinating series that travels the globe to explore the spiritual, psychological, and scientific belief systems that animate our actions. Episodes cover the spiritual quest, the search for ecstasy, earth wisdom, forgiveness and healing, spirituality in art and music, and more. The ten-part series is being streamed for free at Read our review of Global Spirit with previews of the episodes and ways to continue the exploration. Read our interview with Phil Cousineau, host of the series."

+ Common Dreams offers a YES! Magazine article, "Why This Crisis May Be Our Best Chance to Build a New Economy" by David Korten.

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