Tuesday, June 9, 2009


+ I am eager to add suggested links or your thoughts to this or a future Coffee Break. You can comment below or send an e-mail to john@abundancetrek.com

+ Democracy Now! offers "Sen. Bernie Sanders and Nurses Union Leader Rose Ann DeMoro Urge Obama to Embrace Single-Payer Healthcare System." DN! blurb begins: "President Obama is expected to host a group of Democratic Congress members at the White House later today. The meeting comes one week after Obama said he would consider supporting a mandate-based approach to healthcare and the creation of a public insurance option."

+ I like the fact that more and more Democrats are now apparently getting on board for a government health care plan which is available to all Americans in direct competition with the private insurance companies. President Obama has said health care is a right. This is a way to make it so.

+ The Four Precepts offers "Embrace Your Destiny!" by Thomas Merton. Excerpt: "We will never be fully real until we let ourselves fall in love - either with another human person or with God."

+ Fired up by Ed Schultz, I just sent this email to my Representative, Mike Arcuri through his house website: Dear Mike, If you support universal health care -- either single payer OR a new government plan combined with private insurance plans -- I believe you can count on enthusiastic support in the next campaign. Please don't let your vote be influenced by the plutocratic interests. Vote for US. love, john + www.abundancetrek.com + "Be the change you want to see" -- Mohandas Gandhi

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