Wednesday, September 30, 2009


+ updated at 6:02pm ESDT

+ Red Sox Watch: Talk about backing into a playoff berth! 5 losses in a row including 3 to the Yankees but the Wildcard spot is theirs anyway. It's hard to be hopeful about their chances after watching them lose 9 out of the last 10 to the Yankees. Earlier in the season, the Sox had defeated the Yankees 8 games in a row. So, they finish the season series tied at 9-9. It wasn't supposed to go that way. They only had to win 2 games out of 10 to win the season series and they didn't do it. Maybe they can get their act together in October but, again, it's hard to be hopeful.

+ I am continuing to think about and pray about my commitment to a progressive political agenda coupled with my commitment to my spiritual journey.

I think I jump to the political battles too quickly and can get absorbed in the battles which seem important for a day or 2 or even longer but lose significance as time moves on. The internet and the 24/7 news channels can be addictive and entertaining. I need to let go of at least some of my attachment to certain sources of information and hysteria!

Retired as I am, I have time to devote to many things. My spiritual journey is my number one priority. If and when my spiritual journey leads me to political action, then I will act. But I need to spend far more time working on the spiritual practices which I know are necessary for effective political action.

I do believe that heaven on earth is possible and even probable because it is God's will. We can create a far more heavenly realm here if we practice our faith and become more and more intentional about it. Intentional! That's a word we used to use a lot but it's seem to be out of style these days.

I also know that I am in good company. "You may say I'm a dreamer. But I'm not the only one."

I have a long list of links on my Connections Galore page on both Spirituality and Political Action. There is plenty of overlap because prayer and centering leads to compassion and political action. some of the best teachers of that direct relationship include Moses, the Hebrew Prophets, Jesus, Mohammad, Gandhi, Thomas Merton, Martin Luther King, Jr., The Dalai Lama, Thich Nhat Hanh, and Archnishop Tutu. I'm wondering if the Buddha belongs in the list. Yes! Buddhists get political because peacemaking is a personal and global effort. Speaking of Buddhists and peacemaking ...

+ Peacemaking is the theme of today's message at the e-retreat on Living The Hours offered by Spirituality and Practice. It is in it's second week of 6. The cost for this e-retreat is $39.95. The wisdom, inspiration, practical suggestions and encouragement make it worth every penny. An excerpt from today's message:

Once we see it is we who have failed to make peace and we who can make peace, we obviously then have to rise to our responsibility and do something. The first thing most of us do is say, 'What on earth can I do?' . . . The moment you ask the question, you will find things you can do. Very simple things. About two years ago, for instance, I was at the ordination of a Buddhist abbot. It was a very solemn occasion — incense, flowers, gold brocade, candles — and in the midst of the ceremony somebody's beeper on their electronic wristwatch went off. Now you aren't even supposed to wear a wristwatch in a Zendo, so it was very embarrassing. Everybody was looking around: 'Who is the poor guy to whom this has happened?' It turned out to be the abbot who was being ordained! He interrupted the whole ceremony and said, 'This was no accident. I have set this alarm because I have made a vow that every day at 12 noon, regardless of what I am doing, I will stop and think thoughts of peace.' And he invited everybody there to think thoughts of peace with him for one minute.

+ At our church, First Presbyterian, Utica NY, and many other churches and awakened enterprises, Equal Exchange Coffee is sold. It is a Fair Trade Coffee. Other Fair Trade products are also sold. If you are in Boston, you can go to the Equal Exchange Cafe.

+ I hope you are watching THE NATIONAL PARKS: AMERICA'S BEST IDEA, the latest Ken Burns film on PBS. It is inspiring and informative. It has been running since Sunday. There are 6 episodes. Episode 4 is on tap for today. Check local listings.

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