Tuesday, September 29, 2009


+ updated at 10:44am ESDT

+ The Living The Hours e-retreat is in its second week. We are focusing on SEXT and reflecting on a wonderful poem, Fervor and Commitment by Deidra Greenleaf Allan.

+ I found some powerful synchronicity today in two offerings of spiritual wisdom at websites providing daily inspiration and practical suggestions.

Today's offering at dailyzen.com:

There is ultimately no means
of safeguarding anything in this world;
anything you gain can be
lost, destroyed, or taken away.
For this reason if you make
the acquisition and retention
of goods or status your aim in life,
this is a way to anxiety and sorrow.

- Muso Kokushi (1275-1351)

Today's Spiritual Practice of the Day at spiritualityandpractice.com:

I denounce especially the absolutizing of wealth. This is the great evil in El Salvador: wealth, private property, as an untouchable absolute. Woe to the one who touches that high tension wire. It burns. — Oscar Romero quoted in Oscar Romero: Reflections on His Life and Writings edited by Marie Dennis, Renny Golden, and Scott Wright / To Practice This Thought: Monitor the importance you are giving to the pursuit of wealth.

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