Thursday, October 1, 2009


+ Updated at 2:42pm ESDT

+ God's Politics offers "U2’s Music and Mission–and My Kid’s First Rock Concert" by Jim Wallis.

+ The Diane Rehm Show offers Credit Rating Agencies and the Financial Crisis. Here's the blurb: Congress turns up the heat on the nation's credit rating agencies. A House committee investigates how inaccurate credit ratings contributed to last year's financial meltdown and whether new regulations are needed. Diane's shows become available on the web soon after airing.

+ Last night I went to The Other Side and saw
Life in Occupied Palestine: Eyewitness stories and photographs, a presentation of Anna Baltzer, an American and a Jew. Her eyes have been opened and she is getting her message out in a DVD, a blog and a speaking tour.

I have been searching for more information on Anna Baltzer and the reaction she is getting. Many Presbyterians -- including me -- have been quite critical of Israeli and US policies for many years. I found two blogs by Presbyterians who have strong views on opposite sides: Naming His Grace and Two Friars and a Fool. I also found BlueTruth, a blog by an American Jew who is quite critical of Anna Baltzer and other critics of Israeli policies.

I offered a comment on "Anna Baltzer out of the Middle East", a BlueTruth post:

Whenever I listen to the Pro-Israeli side, I look for an acknowledgement from your side that what Israel is doing in the West Bank is illegal and a clear violation of basic human rights. I respect Anna a lot and don't see much fairness or willingness to seek understanding in your very biased post.

I offered 2 comments on Anna Baltzer, the DVD of Steadfast Hope and the International Solidarity Movement, a Naming His Grace post:

1 - I saw the Anna Baltzer video last night which can be ordered at has a detailed blog at Now I'm checking her story out. It seems to me that even if she has made some mistakes because she is obviously biased -- as we all are -- her basic information is DEAD ON! What I want to hear from apologists for Israel's policies (and US policies) is that the settlements (colonies) are illegal and just plain wrong and must be dismantled immediately.The Palestinians have a right to the country that the UN promised to create in 1947. Let's get it done.

2 - As a Presbyterian minister who has been a critic of Israeli and US policies for many years, I want to know quite specifically what Presbyterians have said which is anti-Semitic. I am so tired of this criticism. It comes across as: "Just shut up and accept that Israel can do no wrong and if you say they can do wrong, you clearly are anti-Semitic." I am sick and tired of being called anti-Semitic simply because I want the Israelis to submit to international law and dismantle the settlements in the West Bank and tear down the illegal walls (the parts of it that are not on the border).

She quickly responded and, as I expected and like so many Americans, reveals a complete denial regarding Israel's clear violations of international law.

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