Wednesday, September 23, 2009


+ updated at 2:43pm ESDT

+ The current debate on health care is addressed in a comprehensive and perceptive and provocative way at

+ Diane Rehm interviewed Harvey Cox on Monday. He is famous for The Secular City and The Feast of Fools in the 60s and some good provocative, fascinating theology and cultural analysis ever since. He has just written The Future of Faith.

+ Here's a report on today's Democracy Now! which unfortunately will not get much attention from the rest of the US media:

Hamas Renews Backing of Palestinian State Within ’67 Borders

Obama’s comments come as Hamas has renewed its acceptance of a Palestinian state within the 1967 borders. In a letter to UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon, Hamas leader Ismail Haniyeh writes, “We would never thwart efforts to create an independent Palestinian state with borders [from] June 4, 1967, with Jerusalem as its capital.” Israel has rejected a full withdrawal to the 1967 borders and is seeking to retain the large settlement blocs that carve up the West Bank.

+ It's the first full day of fall but it feels like summer along the Erie Canal.

+ tells the truth about all the lies and distortions the Right Wing pundits, politicians and preachers are spreading across the USA.

+ The Diane Rehm Show focused on energy issues today, particularly
natural gas & oil.

+ President Obama gave an address to the United Nations today. It was comprehensive, inspirational and challenging. Obama to world: Don't expect America to fix it all (AP)
AP - In a blunt challenge to his nation's critics, President Barack Obama on Wednesday exhorted world leaders who once accused the United States of acting alone to now join with him in solving global crises rather than wait for America to do it on its own.

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