Tuesday, September 22, 2009


+ Updated at 2:58pm ESDT

+ I just discovered Green Tweets: 75+ Environmentalists to Follow on Twitter > Twitter has a huge green community. There are green media, green companies, and green charities all active on the microblogging service, as well as a whole bunch of individual environmentalists and green bloggers. The #EcoMonday hashtag — the environmental equivalent of #FollowFriday, in which Twitter users suggest “green” tweeters to follow and share green news and info — has grown into a regular trending topic every Monday, along with a variety of other green initiatives.

+ EQUINOX! Fall begins at 5:18pm ESDT. Today is the day when every place on the planet gets the same amount of daylight.

+ A great new retreat (ecourse) on the Christian Monastic practice of The Hours has begun at Spirituality & Practice > http://www.spiritualityandpractice.com/ecourses/ecourses.php?id=86

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