Thursday, September 24, 2009


+ updated at 1:53pm ESDT

+ Michael Moore is profound and provocative like ususal and you don't want to miss today's Democracy Now! interview. Here's the link and the blurb: After 20 Years of Filmmaking on US Injustices, Michael Moore Goes to the Source in “Capitalism: A Love Story”. Here's an excerpt: "This is the way it is now in this country. The wealthiest one percent right have more financial wealth than the bottom 95 percent combined. When you have a situation like that, where the one percent essentially not only own all the wealth, but own Congress, call the shots, are we really telling the truth when we call this a democracy?"

+ It amazes me, amuses me, saddens me, that the biggest opposition to government-run health insurance comes from the folks who already have it and most of them like it. I'm talking about Medicare, of course.

+ I just made a comment on the Diane Rehm Show Facebook page dealing with a growing distrust of government. Here's my comment: The pundits, politicians and preachers of the Right Wing are dominating our political conversation. They even set the agenda for MSNBC, the news channel which openly supports Obama and Progressives. How can Moderates & Progressives get control of the nation's agenda?

Here's the Diane Rehm Show blurb: The Role of Government in American Lives
Polls show growing skepticism about the power of government. A discussion of how public perceptions are affecting current debate on healthcare, climate change, financial regulation and the role of government in our everyday lives.

+ Enjoy today! "This is the day the Lord has made. Let us rejoice and be glad in it."
Enjoy a video on gratefulness by Brother David Steindl-Rast>

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