Friday, June 12, 2009


+ Grist offers "Ditch ‘warming’ and start talking ‘deteriorating atmosphere,’ PR firm says" by Jonathan Hiskes. The firm says minds can be changed if we learn to talk kitchen-table language instead of think-tank language. For example, "... people don’t want to hear about 'cap-and-trade.' Too wonky. When you’re talking about cap-and-trade, call it 'Clean Energy Dividend' or 'Clean Energy Cash Back.' This fits a central theme of the report—the climate-action camp needs to learn how to translate think-tank language into kitchen-table language. To hear how this sounds in action, try out ecoAmerica’s blog post explaining the report."

+ My friend John Preston pointed out another important article Grist offers: "14 things I love....and 6 things I hate....about Waxman-Markey 1" by Alan During. John says: "He gives the bill a solid 'B', but says he's grading on the curve of political reality."

+ I am eager to add suggested links or your thoughts to this or a future Coffee Break. You can comment below or send an e-mail to

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