Thursday, June 18, 2009


+ Last UPDATE: 8:20pm ESDT

+ URGENT: Please sign this petition regarding the Energy Bill now being considered by the House. Also, please contact your Representative to urge that this provision crippling the EPA be removed from the bill.

+ TerraDaily offers "Climate catastrophe getting closer, warn scientists" which begins: "The world faces a growing risk of 'abrupt and irreversible climatic shifts' as fallout from global warming hits faster than expected, according to research by international scientists released Thursday."

+ TerraDaily offers "Climate change is happening 'here, now': US report" which begins: "The harmful effects of global warming are being felt 'here and now and in your backyard,' a groundbreaking US government report on climate change warned Tuesday."

+ Here is another important petition. Senator Bernie Sanders of Vermont is a strong advocate of a Single Payer National Health Care Program and so am I. At the very least, we need to insist on the Public Option which would allow all Americans to choose a government health care plan, perhaps an expanded Medicare program. This would boost competition and make sure that all Americans are covered. We have allowed the private insurers to make huge profits at our expense for far too long. I heard about this petition this morning when Bill Press interviewed Senator Sanders on the Bill Press Show.

+ I urge you to be politically active this summer, particularly now, as congress deals with important legislation, particularly bills dealing with health care and with energy. Scroll down this blog for plenty of information in recent posts.

+ Red Sox update: Last night the Red Sox celebrated 500 straight sold out games at Fenway with a 6-1 win over the Florida Marlins. The Yankees lost last night. The first place Sox now lead the AL East by 3 games.

+ It's only 35 days 'til the Great American Irish Festival.

+ I am eager to add suggested links or your thoughts to this or a future Coffee Break. You can comment below or send an e-mail to

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