Thursday, June 11, 2009


+ On Health Care TruthDig offers "Why So Scared of a Public Plan?" by Joe Conason. Excerpt: "After decades of denigrating government—and worshiping corporations—the idea that a public program might work as well or better than a corporate provider may well sound counterintuitive to many Americans. How can government, which is so widely believed to do nothing well while wasting enormous sums, possibly be expected to outperform the highly efficient, supremely managed and profitably motivated corporate sector? Wouldn’t we be better off if we simply entrust the provision of health care to the insurance industry? How can we trust those Washington bureaucrats with our health?"

+ CommonDreams offers "Climate Action Must be a First Resort" by Duncan Green. He asks: "Will we need a climate equivalent of a world war to shake leaders out of their complacency? Next month's G8 will tell." It was published today by The Guardian/UK.

+ The Guardian/UK led me to a recent report listing carbon emissions by country.

+ I am eager to add suggested links or your thoughts to this or a future Coffee Break. You can comment below or send an e-mail to

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