Monday, May 18, 2009


The Retreat leader this week is Zakiuddin McNulty. Yesterday, he introduced the topic of Single-minded Remembrance with some insightful thoughts such as these:

We all know how easy it is to be led astray by our outer circumstances and thoughts, living our days in what appears to be a benign state of preoccupation or in the grip of reactive, unhelpful patterns. Such thinking and behavior is governed by what Sufis call our lower self, in a Pharaoh-like desire to control and manipulate. Growing up in an affluent society, moreover, we may have grown complacent through the excessive consumption of God's bounty, or dim in our awareness of the relationship we have with our Creator.


Remembering God single-mindedly implies abandoning every agenda for the sake of this return to our primary relationship, meeting with our Source face-to-face during our busy, short lives. In so doing, we resume our special relationship as a most beloved creature, participating in the concert of praise that all of creation continually sings to its Creator. This is perpetual communion, reciprocity, sustenance, and guidance of the created by a most-loving Creator: "Everything perishes except His Face." [28:88].

This Online retreat is available and you can catch up. Go to

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