Friday, June 22, 2012


+ The S&P e-course I am taking is really good: Practicing the Presence of God. The sharing in the Practice Circle has been inspiring and illuminating.  The lesson published today deals with celebrating "the sacrament of the present moment" even in the difficult times of life. Here is what I just posted:

All is Well

I think there is some synchronicity going on here!

Donned in felt,
I commune secretly with the blooming bush,
With feelings peculiarly my own.
Just this day, my hairs have begun to turn white:
Last year, the flowers looked redder than these.
Their tender beauty is going the way
Of the morning dew,
Their fragrant breath is evaporating
Into the evening breeze.
Why must we wait for their wilting
And falling before we can realize
The evanescence of life?
- Fa-yen

I am slowly re-framing some of the worries and frustrations and doubts and pains of my life as I move through this fantastic course, one of the best ever.

"Divine action" in everything, even in the worst of humanity. That puts things in some perspective, doesn't it? So, then, God is working through the Fox News Channel! I am going to email News Corporation and let them know they are loved and I am praying for them ... even for the CEO, Rupert Murdoch, who influences so much of our current political and economic sphere.

What can I learn from all this? Maybe the response to the negativity and greed and ignorance and insensitivity in our current political and economic system will be so amazing that the pain will be worth it. But that's future thinking.

Here, in the present moment, I find grace upon grace upon grace everywhere and that's good. Sin abounds but grace super abounds. So, sin boldly my friends. All is well. It's a beautiful Life. Right now, right here.

The heat wave is gone. The cold front has arrived. Pleasant breeze. Birds chirping. Last sip of coffee. Neighbor's lawn mower buzzing. All is well.

love, john + + We are intimately, intricately and infinitely connected by a matrix of unconditional, unlimited and uniting love which is miraculous, mysterious and marvelous.

1 comment:

Andrew Taylor-Troutman said...

Hey John,

I came across your blog because of our mutual friend, John Shuck. You see like another kindred soul. Thank you for your beautiful words here.

Grace and peace,