Tuesday, September 15, 2009


+ updated at 1:03pm ESDT

+ Thanks to Shuck and Jive, I just found Billionaires for Wealthcare. The website says: "Billionaires for Wealthcare is a grassroots network of health insurance CEOs, industry lobbyists, talk-show hosts, and others profiting off of our broken health care system. We are not a political, religious or even particularly well-organized group. We're simple folk, thrilled profiteers pouring out of our corner offices to dance on the grave of "Change." We'll do whatever it takes to ensure another decade where your pain is our gain. After all, when it comes to healthcare, if we ain't broke, why fix it?"

+ Crooks and Liars offers "10 Lessons for Tea Baggers" by Jon Perr.

+ It seems to me that most Americans are not at all pleased by the behavior of those on the political extremes, Right or Left. We need to have far more respect for each other as we disagree and all of us -- Moderates or Liberals or Conservatives -- need to demand that our media stop enabling and encouraging the divisive and dangerous behavior of the extremists.

+ I have found a couple of blogs by Progressive Lutherans: http://www.theliberalspirit.com/ & http://jesuslovesgays.blogspot.com/.

+ Brian & I are having a civil conversation! Brian has made some thoughtful comments in response to my September 4 post, "Is Our Democracy Falling Apart?"

+ 10:55am update: The sun is shining now. I love days like today. I turned off the ceiling fan as the cool breeze flows through the open window.

+ 10:49am update: It is cooling off along the Erie Canal. I like the breeze and will leave the window open and get a sweater.

+ Michael Moore says: “We Need A Democratic Economy.” + Democracy Now! reports on his new documentary: "Michael Moore has premiered his new documentary Capitalism: A Love Story at the Toronto Film Festival. The film deals with the crisis on Wall Street and its devastating effect on the lives of ordinary people. At a press conference in Toronto Moore questioned why the the U.S. government decided to bail out AIG and General Motors, but not Lehman Bros. and Bear Stearns. he said: 'I guess Bear Stearns and Lehman Brothers weren’t making their proper contributions. You know this kind of like the mob isn’t it, those who make the proper payments to the head don get to live, the others don’t. It’s such an unfair system all around we need a democratic economy. We don’t have it and I’m going to keep advocating for it.'”

Visit the Michael Moore website.

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