Saturday, September 12, 2009


+ updated at 9:52am ESDT

+ Many resources are available for a renewed effort effort to end global hunger at Bread for the World. October 18 is Bread for the World Sunday. Legislation which would streamline US aid is working its way through congress and we need to encourage congress to get it passed.

+ American Pew polls show that while virtually all (but not 100 percent) of scientists surveyed agree that human activity is causing global warming, only half of the public agrees that humans are causing climate change, and some (11 percent) don’t even... believe that we are experiencing climate change at all.

+ Red Sox: You never know but it doesn't look good for a 21st century dynasty. I define a dynasty by 3 world series victories within 6 years which means they would have to win the World Series this year. They are 9 games behind the Yankees at this point and only 2 games ahead of Texas in the Wildcard race.

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