Monday, August 10, 2009


+ updated at 11:44am ESDT

+ God's Politics: a blog by Jim Wallis & friends offers "Who Lit The Fire Under the Right-Wing ‘Populists’ Against Health-Care Reform?" by Rose Marie Berger.

+ God's Politics: a blog by Jim Wallis & friends offers "Truth-telling and Responsibility in Health Care" by Jim Wallis.

+ The New York Times offers "Is Obama Punking Us?" by Frank Rich. Rich suggests that the real concern about Obama may be not that he is pushing socialism but that he is a corporatist just like most of the politicians in Washington on both sides of the aisle.

+ The New York Times offers "The Town Hall Mob" by Paul Krugman.
Excerpt: "Some commentators have tried to play down the mob aspect of these scenes, likening the campaign against health reform to the campaign against Social Security privatization back in 2005. But there’s no comparison. I’ve gone through many news reports from 2005, and while anti-privatization activists were sometimes raucous and rude, I can’t find any examples of congressmen shouted down, congressmen hanged in effigy, congressmen surrounded and followed by taunting crowds."

+ A great conversation is happening now at It begins with Roger's wise thought: "Oftentimes people question why I seem critical of many orthodox beliefs. The answer is this: Wrestling with a questioning faith is often far more rewarding than resting in an inherited one."

+ Red Sox Watch: Six straight losses have now placed the Red Sox well behind the Yankees. Earlier in the season, the Red Sox had the Yankees number and defeated their arch-rivals 8 times in a row. Now it has gone the other way as the Yankees swept the Red Sox in a four-game series at the new Yankee Stadium. Can the Sox come back?

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