Wednesday, August 5, 2009


+ Updated at 1:10pm ESDT.

+ TalkingPointsMemo has set up a special page for the Health Care Ground Game.

+ I am not opposed to success for hard work. But the extravagant salaries and bonuses of many executives are simply wrong. It is even worse when failure gets rewarded and taxpayers pay for the extravagant salaries and bonuses. Robert Scheer tells the sad story of a bonus bonanza for Wall Street executives even as their failures were becoming catastrophic in "Banking Bandits Get Their Reward" offered by TruthDig.

+ RED SOX watch: The American League East has often been dominated by the Yankees & Red Sox in recent years. This year is no exception although last year's winner, the Tampa Bay Rays, are lurking nearby. The Red Sox held on to first place for most of this season but now have fallen behind the Yankees by a game and a half. They have come back from 3 and a half back last week.

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