Tuesday, July 28, 2009


+ Updated at 4:27pm EDST

+ I feel strongly that Lou Dobbs owes the nation, indeed the planet, an apology for supporting the ludicrous claim that President Obama was born in Kenya and not Hawaii. There is overwhelming evidence that shows that Obama was born in Hawaii, our fiftieth state, on August 4, 1961. And, even if Obama was born in Kenya (and he wasn't), he would still be a US citizen because his mother was a US citizen. Here are a couple of websites to check out if you want to urge Lou Dobbs to apologize and / or demand CNN bring Dobbs back to at least semi-respectable journalism by abandoning this story ASAP: http://dobbsconspiracy.com/?src=db1 & http://mediamatters.org/

+ For the first time this summer, it is hot, humid and hazy along the Erie Canal today.

+ As long as you have a box of tissues handy I strongly recommend THE SECRET LIFE OF BEES, another DVD we saw after reading
the S&P review. Themes include: Devotion; Love; Nurturing; Questing; Transformation; You. There is some really good music too including one or 2 by Alicia Keyes who is one of the stars but Dakota Fanning who plays the 14 year old Lily steals the show.

+ A couple of Tweets I offered today:

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