Saturday, July 25, 2009


+ Here is my sister's latest insightful and wise thought about Healthcare: "The reason a health care bill isn't coming together is because only a single-payer system will save money. A guest on Bill Moyers last night suggested that Medicare be extended over time first to age 55, then 45, etc. Good idea, except that to save doctor and hospital administrative costs, Medicare payments should be raised to more realistic levels so that they don't have to submit supplementary insurance claims."

+ I want to visit Kenya and see the land where our President was born! But haven't been to Hawaii yet and I think I would like to visit the land where are President was born. I think it was Hawaii! Where should I go?

+ Just posted this at Facebook > John A Wilde > I love Celtic music & rock'n'roll and ENTER THE HAGIS does both amazingly well. They are breaking new ground. They are at the Great American Irish Festival in Frankfort NY tonight (and last night) and I'm there! See if they are coming to a venue near you. / Enter The Haggis - HOME / Source: / High energy collision of celtic, rock and world styles.

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