Tuesday, January 20, 2009


+ Here is the video and the transcript of Obama's stunning speech which challenges us all to live up to our ideals.

+ This post will be updated during the day. C'mon back!

+ Spirituality & Practice offers "Spiritual Practices for the Inauguration of Barack Obama" by Frederic and Mary Ann Brussat. Excerpts: Circle Yourself in God's Love and Protection. In Scotland, early Christians had a “ritual of encompassment” in which they called upon God for support and protection. People would imagine that they were drawing a circle around themselves using a large compass. They would say these words: “The compassing of God and his right hand/Be upon my form and my frame.”
  • Watch the video of the invocation at the "We Are One" Concert for the Obama Inauguration by the Rt. Rev. V. Gene Robinson.
  • Read about some of the many examples of spiritual activism taking place around the inauguration.
  • + Here in Rochester it is snowing. I can see that it is cold in Washington DC but that's not stopping 2 or 3 million people from being there on the mall to be a part of this amazing day.

    + TruthDig offers "Giving Obama the Benefit of the Doubt" by Eugene Robinson. You can see this great pundit on MSNBC today. Excerpt: "Rarely has a new presidency been greeted with such a consensus of goodwill—and rarely has a new president so needed it."

    + Thanks to the TalkingPointsMemo, I have discovered "Obama's Moment Arrives: Historians Say He Could Redefine the Presidency" by Barton Gellman published today by the Washingon Post. Excerpt: "Barack Obama takes office today with a realistic prospect of joining the ranks of history's most powerful presidents. The more familiar observation, that he confronts daunting trials, enhances that prospect. Emergencies have always brought commensurate new authority for the presidents who faced them, not only because the public demanded action but also because rival branches of government went along."

    + Jim Hightower blogs on "The Crucial Need to Investigate Presidential Excesses" and reminds us that the Bush administration has exceeded its legal authority in many areas. In his special comment last night on MSNBC, Keith Olbermann echoed this appeal as have many others.


    + The Oath after such a great musical piece. Tears flowing! A new era begins now!

    + Our new President broke new ground. This speech needs to be re-read often, studied, understood, appreciated. This is indeed a new era with a new way of thinking, a new vision, a new deal, a new covenant. Many ideas in this speech reveal the change we need, change we can believe in, change which is necessary, change which requires courage and sacrifice, faith and prayer, a huge change of mind and heart for all of us.

    + What a great closing prayer by the pastor who worked so closely with Martin Luther King, Jr. to create true equality and justice in America.

    + We are liberated. "We the people" have been set free to run this country rather than privileged plutocrats. Are we up to the task? YES WE CAN!

    + http://www.whitehouse.gov/ has a whole new look! Also, HuffingtonPost has a great look right now (1:25pm EST)

    + http://www.whitehouse.gov/blog/change_has_come_to_whitehouse-gov/ is the first post on the Obama Whitehouse blog. Excerpt:

    Just like your new government, WhiteHouse.gov and the rest of the Administration's online programs will put citizens first. Our initial new media efforts will center around three priorities:

    Communication -- Americans are eager for information about the state of the economy, national security and a host of other issues. This site will feature timely and in-depth content meant to keep everyone up-to-date and educated. Check out the briefing room, keep tabs on the blog (RSS feed) and take a moment to sign up for e-mail updates from the President and his administration so you can be sure to know about major announcements and decisions.

    Transparency -- President Obama has committed to making his administration the most open and transparent in history, and WhiteHouse.gov will play a major role in delivering on that promise. The President's executive orders and proclamations will be published for everyone to review, and that’s just the beginning of our efforts to provide a window for all Americans into the business of the government. You can also learn about some of the senior leadership in the new administration and about the President’s policy priorities.

    Participation -- President Obama started his career as a community organizer on the South Side of Chicago, where he saw firsthand what people can do when they come together for a common cause. Citizen participation will be a priority for the Administration, and the internet will play an important role in that. One significant addition to WhiteHouse.gov reflects a campaign promise from the President: we will publish all non-emergency legislation to the website for five days, and allow the public to review and comment before the President signs it.

    + Here is the video and the transcript of Obama's stunning speech which challenges us all to live up to our ideals.

    + Some pundits and experts don't "get it" but the wise ones do. One of the wise ones who "got it" is Arianna Huffington who blogs at Huffington Post. She wrote "Obama's Sober Sermon on the Steps." Excerpt: "For me, the most compelling moment of the speech came when he quoted the Bible. While we remain a young nation, he said, 'the time has come to set aside childish things.' There was something very powerful about watching this relatively young man, one of the youngest to ever hold the highest office in the land, telling the American people to grow up."

    1 comment:

    Abundancetrek said...

    From my sister:

    My comment -- Obama's speech was so stunning I don't think people there were able to absorb it. Anita