Friday, October 2, 2020


+ Photo is of Delta Lake, September 2020.

+ Where have I been? Where am I going? It's a mystery, isn't it?

+ We are all entitled to abundance. Or, to put it another way, all the glories of the heavenly realms are our birthright and our eternal destiny. There is no need to wait for abundance. It is here now, always has been, always will be. There is no adequate explanation for this truth. It simply is the way it is and the way it is is simply wonderful. 

The glories of the heavenly realms are miraculous, mysterious and marvelous. We begin participating in this abundance whenever we simply accept the gift gratefully in the here and now. Every breath we take is a new opportunity to receive abundance, to be in heaven. 

So, breathe in this abundance right now. Begin again. And again. And again. Smile. Sing. Dance. Laugh. Listen. Rest. Relax. Wonder. Imagine. Love. Cry. Pray. Receive. Give. Appreciate. Share. Care. Stand. Sit. Walk. Swim. Fly. You are in heaven. Nothing is impossible. Everything is within reach.

+ Your Turn

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