+ Updated at 1:13pm EST on Friday, January 15, 2016
+ This post includes entries from Saturday, November 21, 2015 until January 15, 2016. Joyful Wandering posts 1 to 58 are found on The Abundancetrek Blog. You can find them all here. Latest entries are at the top. If you would like to contribute, write JW in your subject line and send it to John@abundancetrek.com or put a comment on my Facebook page.
Tips & pointers for building a spiritual life from scratch
Be aware/Stay awake
Practise yoga
Chant and sing
Breathe and smile
Let Go/Forgive/Accept
Cultivate oneself/Enhance competencies
Cultivate contentment
Cultivate flexibility
Cultivate friendship and collaboration
Lighten up
Celebrate and appreciate
Give thanks
Walk softly/Live gently
Be born anew
+ Patheos offers
Advent Two: Longing for Sunlight and Song by Jill Crainshaw. It begins:
The songs and images of the Advent and Christmas season stir in many people a longing for peace and good will. But peace is hard to come by these days. Instead, violent world realities incite fear.
How can a fear-wearied world rejoice with songs of hope? How do we keep fear from taking over and destroying our capacity to love and care for each other and our neighbors with open hearts and minds?
+ DailyZen 12/2/15 > "If you have any desire to surpass others, or any thought of your own ability, this is egoism and possessiveness. These are sicknesses in the context of nirvana, so The Nirvana Sutra says, “Space can contain everything, but space does not entertain the thought that it can contain everything.” This is a metaphor for the disappearance of egoism and possessiveness, by which you proceed to indestructible concentration." - Hongren (602-675)
+ #Advent > http://www.spiritualityandpractice.com/…/…/view/24493/advent+ The Spiritual Discipline of WAITING is a major theme of the season + One of the great spiritual practices related to waiting and patience id FASTING + Doesn't quite go along with everybody putting up their Christmas tree by now, does it? + Advent's great themes are hard to honor these days + Excerpt from this S&P resource for the season > As Pierre Teilhard de Chardin advised, we need to "trust in the slow work of God." That is what the Israelites did during their long sojourn in the desert and what Christians do during Advent.
+ The SpiritualLiteracy Blog offers "After Paris - Thoughts from Rabbi Lerner." Excerpt: "Lerner points out that the ancient strategies of revenge and payback should be out of the question; they lead only to more bloodshed. Healing will come only when we move beyond the unconscionable terrorist attacks of ISIS and the havoc the United States and other countries have reigned down on the innocent civilians in Syria and Iraq in drone attacks. He writes: 'As long as our resources (and here I include not only the U.S. and the West, but also China and Russia) are primarily focused on military, economic, cultural and political domination of the world, what we saw in Paris will become an increasing reality worldwide.'"
+ If you are on Facebook, I invite you to "like" and be inspired by the frequent (almost daily) photos and reflections offered on Weaving Home. You can also go to The Weaving Home Blog offering wisdom regularly (often once a week). Here is an excerpt from the first post by Weaving Home creator Naomi Kelly, a Presbyterian pastor and a Spiritual Director:
We can plug into the Spirit of Christ in many ways, Weaving Home is one such guide to deepen your spiritual practices to enthuse and inspire, so that you are empowered to live out your calling to love God and each other.
+ Spiritual Explorations posts have begun to accumulate on The Abundancetrek Blog. You can begin this series of posts at Spiritual Explorations -- 1 or you can find any one of the posts by going to abundancetrek.com/sepostsaccess.html.
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