Wednesday, June 12, 2013


Some thoughts about the political situation here in the USA and elsewhere:

Plutocrats have the upper hand whether the Democrats are in power or the Republicans.  Plutocrats do not necessarily have the best interests of the people in mind.  They probably think they do. They often try to justify their power and privilege even as so many people are suffering as a result of their policies. 

Plutocrats are not always wrong.  A lot of good things can get done and do get done as they rule the planet.  Maybe they will even see the light and work to reduce carbon emissions so that the global catastrophe so many scientists predict can be avoided.

But I simply can not put my faith in rule by the plutocrats.  I would like to see true democracy emerge.  Since both of our political parties are now dominated by plutocrats, I am feeling the need to separate myself as much as possible from the Democratic Party even though its policies and values and vision are closer to my own than those of the GOP.  But I can't support plutocracy and most Democrats are beholden to plutocrats just like most Republicans are.

So, what can I do? 

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