Friday, December 14, 2012


+ updated at 1:22pm EST on Friday, December 14, 2012

+ Robert Reich offers "Why is Washington Obsessing About the Deficit and Not Jobs and Wages?" Excerpt: "The job situation is still horrendous. Twenty-three million Americans can’t find full-time work. Less than 59 percent of the working-age population of the nation is employed, almost the lowest percent in three decades. 4.8 million Americans have been out of work for more than six months. The 40-week average spell of joblessness is almost three times the post-1948 average."

Huffingpost offers "Fox News War on Advent" by Diana Butler-Bass. She makes it quite clear that the so-called Fox News and its so-called "war on Christmas" is rather misguided since the first 24 days of December are not Christmas at all but Advent. And Advent for Christians is not about shopping madly and conspicuous consumption.  In many churches Christmas Carols wait until Chritmas Eve and the twelve days of Christmas which follow. So, its not "Mery Christmas" but "Come quickly, Lord Jesus." Tell Fox News. 

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