Friday, December 7, 2012


+ updated at 2:29pm EST on Friday, December 7, 2012

+ We are on an amazing journey.  I invite you to join me and explore some of the wonderful, fantastic places which we can and even must encounter sooner or later. I invite you to write about your journey. Go to my Let's Go series of posts

+ OK, since I'm thinking about some of my favorite places on the web, I must suggest that you think about including Theological Wanderings of a Street Pastor, that is if you like blogs with spiritual and theological and political and cultural depth.  Barrett's posts are simply fascinating most of the time. I'm a fan. And he's also a great friend.

+ And I am a big fan of Bill McKibben, a fantastic environmental writer and activist.  The New York Times recently offered "To Fight Climate Change, College Students Take Aim at the Endowment Portfolio" which features a campaign promoted by McKibben to divest from fossil fuel industries unless they change their policies.

+ Of course, I remain a big fan of Paul Krugman and his great blog. Here is "The Fiscal Ignoramus Factor." Oh how I wish our political leaders would heed the advice of the likes of Krugman and Reich.  Keynes was right.  Keynesian Economics is an important policy for us to choose as we move our planet toward more compassion, peace, justice and sustainable abundance.

+ I am becoming a big Robert Reich fan.  What a great blogHere is his latest: "Cliff Notes on the Three Real Perils Ahead." The real cliffs we face are: Growing Poverty, Rapidly Increasing Healthcare Costs and Global Warming.

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