Saturday, October 9, 2010


+ updated at 3:50pm ESDT on Saturday, October 9, 2010

+ I just found out that Sustainable Jersey, co-founded and led by my nephew, Randall Solomon, won a prestgious award. Here is how Randy describes Sustainable Jersey in his campaign for the award on behalf of his organization: "Sustainable Jersey is a bottom up, top down, shadow government of communities, state agencies, academics, business leaders and non-profit groups working for sustainbility. We cooperatively indentify the concrete actions communities need to take, research the new methods to show them how, and direct public and private incentives to make it possible. Sustainable Jersey is statewide change, one community at a time, all together." Here are two web pages with award information:

+ AlterNet offers "Wall Street Megalomaniacs Cry About Having to Pay Their Taxes" by Jim  Hightower. Excerpt: "Yes, some of the richest, most pampered people on the planet -- people who literally wallow in luxury every day, with never a concern about losing a job, a home or health care, or getting their kids into college -- these people are wailing in self-pity. They are Wall Street hedge-fund operators, which essentially means they are high-flying financial flimflammers. What has stoked them into an elitist fury is a Barack Obama proposal to close off a ridiculous tax loophole that has let them pay only 15 percent of their lavish income in taxes, rather than the 35 percent rate that us commoners pay."

+ Spirituality and Practice offers "Navratri – Nine Nights of Meditation on the Divine Feminine" by Ami Bhalodkar. It begins: "Navratri (or nine nights) is a Hindu holiday that honors Shakti or the Divine Feminine/Mother and looks to her for spiritual cleansing, guidance, and enlightenment. It lasts for nine nights and ten days. The nine nights are broken up into sets of three, and during each set a particular aspect of the Divine Mother is meditated upon. Each set of nights also corresponds with a particular spiritual goal and task."

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