Friday, July 16, 2010


+ updated at 1:24pm ESDT on Friday, July 16, 2010

+ Holistic Living by Ana Jones offers "Spirit of the Age." It begins: "With the advent of a new global village, Muslims, Hindus and Buddhists now live next door to Christians and Jews. With the advent of the internet, a Chinese born seeker can read the New Testament while a seeker from Oklahoma can read the Tao Te Ching. Now American children not only read about Islam but sit next to young girls in burkas at grammar school. The dissemination of world wisdom texts and intermingling of cultures and religions has made it possible for people to follow spiritual and religious paths which deeply suit their inner nature. The growing holistic understanding that God is One, the root of all people and all paths, gives us now, in 2010, the added opportunity to worship that One Spirit in mosques, churches, synagogues, temples, sweat lodges, nature groves, on land, sea and air with our brothers and sisters—organized or unorganized."

I never thought about it in quite that way.  Thanks for the insight Ana.

+ The New York Times offers "Redo That Voodoo" by Paul Krugman. If I believed in dictatorship and could choose the dictator, I know who I would choose! PAUL KRUGMAN.  If the Administration and Congress would listen to him, I believe we could make our economy vibrant again in no time at all.  Read his column in today's New York Times

Excerpt: "On paper, solving America’s long-run fiscal problems is eminently doable: stronger cost control for Medicare plus a moderate rise in taxes would get us most of the way there. And the perception that the deficit is manageable has helped keep U.S. borrowing costs low. But if politicians who insist that the way to reduce deficits is to cut taxes, not raise them, start winning elections again, how much faith can anyone have that we’ll do what needs to be done?"

+ Kisses is definitely a movie I must see.  Here's an excerpt from the Spirituality & Practice review: "Throughout the film, there are references to Bob Dylan and his songs are used on the soundtrack; they add sparkle and spunk to this engaging tale about two friends who become more precious to each other during their adventures."

1 comment:

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