Friday, April 2, 2010


+ updated at 10:17am ESDT on Friday, April 2 + GOOD FRIDAY

+ The Network of Spiritual Progressives offers "Responses to the Health Care Debate" by various contributors.

Excerpt 1: "A new book, Wingnuts: How the Lunatic Fringe Is Hijacking America by John Avlon describes the large numbers of Americans who hold extreme views of President Obama. This Harris Poll seeks to measure how many people are involved. It finds that 40% of adults believe he is a socialist. More than 30% think he wants to take away Americans' right to own guns and that he is a Muslim. More than 25% believe he wants to turn over the sovereignty of the United States to a world government, has done many things that are unconstitutional, that he resents America's heritage, and that he does what Wall Street tells him to do."

Excerpt 2: "Now we are in this moment with a President who is Black and finally we are discussing the things that are vitally important to people of color and the poor and yet the same refrain is heard, 'We need to take our government and country back!' It is the Third Reconstruction and the question is: will we allow the clock to be turned back again?" -- Graylon Scott Hagler

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