Monday, September 28, 2009


+ Updated at 11:02pm ESDT.


+ Sometimes I wonder about my considerable devotion to a progressive political agenda. I try to be open-minded. I try to appreciate Republicans and Conservatives and even Extremist Right Wingers. Also, Independents and Blue Dog Democrats such as my own Representative in Congress, Michael Arcuri. This isn't easy. I feel strongly that we need to move to the Left after 40 years of moving steadily to the Right here in the USA.

But maybe I'm missing something. Maybe I need to ignore politics or at least reduce my devotion to it. Maybe I need to focus far more on my spiritual journey and far less on politics. But, then I remember that Ghandi, one of the most spiritual human beings ever to live, said (and I'm paraphrasing but not missing the point) that spirituality without politics is bogus.

So, that's where I am. I will continue to be devoted to my spiritual journey but will not, can not, neglect politics. I continue to believe that we need the kind of political change President Obama has promised and we need it now.

I don't see myself as a Leftist ideologically. I identify myself as a Pragmatic Centrist (OK, Left of Center!) who is interested in promoting peace and justice and sustainable abundance. I think that most Americans could be in this camp but are often uninformed or misinformed about all too many issues because of the "dumbing down" of America which has been happening for decades and is threatening our democracy.

+ If you are interested in exploring upstate New York, please visit The Abundancetrek Travel Blog where I have begun posting about The Erie Canal, The Adirondacks, The Finger Lakes, The North Country, The Mohawk Valley, Niagara Falls, Central NY, Western NY, Utica, Syracuse, Rochester, Buffalo, Oneonta & Cooperstown. The first post is "Exploring Upstate New York -- 1".

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