Tuesday, September 8, 2009


+ updated at 11:09am ESDT

+ Obama's speech to students as school begins, the speech which many loony Right Wingers say students should not hear, can now be critiqued by all of us. It looks pretty good to me. I like how he tells the stories of students who overcame big obstacles on the way to success.

+ DailyKos informs us that the WashingtonPost offers "A Test Case for Roberts" by E.J. Dionne. He says that the Obama speech on Healthcare is the second most important political event of the week because the case the Supreme Court will decide this week could open the door to far more corporate domination of the nation. He writes: "Will (the court) use a case originally brought on a narrow issue to bring our politics back to the corruption of the Gilded Age?" The NYTimes offers "A Threat to Fair Elections", an editorial which shares this concern.

+ Alternet offers "10 of the Most Obscenely Stupid Right-Wing Conspiracy Theories and Attacks Against the President" by Tana Ganeva. Or, what would cause Rush Limbaugh to say: "Leave our penises alone, Obama?"

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