Tuesday, August 4, 2009


+ Updated at 4:20pm ESDT

+ DemocracyNow! offers Rep. Henry Waxman on Healthcare Reform, the Waxman-Markey Climate Change Bill and the Expanding Role of Private Contractors in the Battlefield

+ Here's a report at today's DemocracyNow! I find encouraging:

Clinton: Eviction of Palestinian Families “Deeply Regrettable”

On Monday, Hillary Clinton met Jordan’s Foreign Minister Nasser Judeh at the State Department. Clinton criticized Israel for evicting more than fifty Palestinians from their homes in East Jerusalem.
Hillary Clinton: "These actions are deeply regrettable. I have said before that the eviction of families and demolition of homes in East Jerusalem is not in keeping with Israeli obligations, and I urge the government of Israel and municipal officials to refrain from such provocative actions.”

+ I am sadly coming to the conclusion that NPR has become just another Republican propaganda outlet. I don't have the statistics but I'm willing to bet that Republican politicians and pundits are getting far more interview time than Democrats. Except, of course, for the Blue Dogs, those DINOs who are opposing the progressive reforms this country, indeed this planet, needs right now. The more Progressive you are, the more likely your voice will not be heard on NPR. And, of course, it is even worse at PBS, CBS, CNN, ABC, FOX, NBC, etc.

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