Wednesday, July 29, 2009


+ Updated at 12:50pm ESDT

+ Frederic Brussat just posted this tweet: "Just set up a Facebook page for our Spirituality & Practice website. Great way to keep up with content. Become a fan!"

+ Paul Krugman deals with the contradictions of the Blue Dogs in his column entitled "An Incoherent Truth." Like ususal, Krugman makes plenty of sense based on plenty of knowledge and wisdom. Excerpt: "Reform, if it happens, will rest on four main pillars: regulation, mandates, subsidies and competition."

+ I invite you to go to I kicked off a discussion on Health Care Reform on the Bill Press Facebook wall by suggesting that we might have to compromise on single payer & public option but we must hold the line on pre-existing conditions. If health care is a right -- and it is -- then nobody should be denied health care coverage and this must become law.

+ It's raining. We've had plenty of that in past 2 months. Yesterday was first HHH day of summer. I usually hate HHH days but I think I would prefer an HHH day to more rain.

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