Wednesday, July 15, 2009


+ UPDATED at 12:47pm July 15

+ Here are 2 items from Ecumenical News International:

  • CHURCH, MEDIA REPS RAP PHILLIPINES MILITARY ON EVACUEES. Manila (ENI). Church and media representatives, who were recently stopped on their way to monitor the situation of evacuees from armed conflict in the southern Philippines, have accused the country's military of stifling coverage that would highlight the suffering of residents in the area. Church groups have also expressed concerns about the number of "internally displaced persons" in the conflict-ridden area of the southeast Asian nation.
  • SMILES AS POPE AND OBAMA AGREE AND DISAGREE AT FIRST MEETING. Rome (ENI). Not only did U.S. President Barack Obama and Pope Benedict XVI agree on a peace process for the Middle East, and how to open opportunities for Africa when they met for the first time, but their different views on abortion and stem cell research also did not prevent smiles between the two men. Obama had headed on 10 July to Rome for an audience with the Roman Catholic pontiff after a summit meeting of leaders from the G-8 industrial nations in L'Aquila, 100 kilometres (60 miles) northeast of the Italian capital. On 6 April 2009, a strong and lethal earthquake had rocked L'Aquila.

+ Mary & I had a wonderful time in Manhattan including seeing The Lion King, worshipping at Judson Memorial Church on Washington Square, dining at The Tavern on the Green on the day of our 40th wedding anniversary, seeing New York from the "The Top of the Rock" (the viewing area at the top of the skyscraper in Rockefeller Center), enjoying a free concert in Central Park where we heard a great band playing Cuban music. We were quite happy with the accomodations at the Hotel Wolcott on 31st Street & Fifth Avenue.

+ While I wasn't looking, the Red Sox gained some ground and now lead the Yankees by 3 games. Go Sox!

+ Here's the blurb for the Diane Rehm Show 11am segment which can be heard at any time:

Robert Wright: "The Evolution of God" (Little, Brown) Diane and her guest discuss the evolution of how humans have thought about God - from the Stone Age to the Information Age. A look at the forces changing Judaism, Christianity, and Islam, and how science and religion might be reconciled. Guest: Robert Wright, a senior fellow at the New America Foundation, editor-in-chief of, and author of "The Moral Animal," "Nonzero," and "Three Scientists and Their Gods."

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