Wednesday, June 24, 2009


+ Updated at 11:25am EDST June 24.

+ The Washington Post offers "Vote Set on House Climate Bill: Cap-and-Trade Legislation Advances Despite Some Resistance" by Steven Mufson. Excerpt: "Democratic leaders in the House have scheduled a Friday vote on a climate change bill that would establish a complex cap-and-trade system to limit the nation's greenhouse gas emissions, a priority for President Obama."

While many environmental advocacy groups are supporting this far from perfect bill, Friends of the Earth is opposing it with ads saying we must do better than this.

+ Grist offers "Why I’m not freaked out about the Waxman-Markey bill" by David Roberts. Excerpt: "Waxman-Markey is just the struggle to get an extremely hidebound, backward-looking set of political institutions to acknowledge that the old order is collapsing. Building a new order is something else entirely."

+ RED SOX UPDATE: Yahoo! Sports offers "Red Sox Nation in DC: Record crowd cheers 11-3 win" by Joseph White of the AP. With another Yankee loss last night, this means the Sox now lead the AL East by 5 games.

+ I am eager to add suggested links or your knowledge & wisdom to this or a future Coffee Break. You can comment below or send a message to me at or

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